Alumni Outcomes

The UMD IO MPS community is fortunate to have highly engaged, passionate, and successful alumni. Our alumni work in the private sector, public sector, non profit organizations, and government. They work in recruiting, selection, talent development, human resources, analytics, organizational change, diversity & inclusion - you name it, they do it. Some are consultants. Some work internally to one company. All are driven.

See the images below to get an understanding of the sectors our alumni work in and the type of tasks they do in their roles. The data below were gathered from a survey of our alum.


Alum Areas 1Alum Areas 2IO Work Alum


Alumni Thoughts

“The entire program helped me understand how organizations can be effective. It gave me the foundation to understanding data analysis, talent management, change management, and performance management. The I/O foundational knowledge and practitioner skill set learned from the UMD program gave me the confidence and ability to obtain an adjunct professor position teaching management within organizations. The UMD I/O Psychology program has personally made me fulfilled and confident in the workforce. I have the knowledge and experience to help my organization become effective and rewarding to its employees.”

“The IO MPS program showed me this sense of community in the IO world - how each of us are connected and the work we are doing feeds into other creations. I also have a broad knowledge of business - a holistic approach to business - where I truly understand all the different moving parts in an organization. Because of the knowledge and skills learned in the program, I better understand my work and what role it plays in the overall organization.”

“Credentials as a credibility signal (MPS) to employers and clients; improved capacity to evaluate and articulate methodical approaches to problem solving; improved vocabulary around "squishy" topics; incredible peers & mentors.”

“It provided to me the right way of practicing IO. Grounded me and taught me how to conduct the research and provide the data to support my recommendations, outcomes and recommended solutions. It gave me credibility in the industry.”

“The program advanced my data analysis skills, improved my ability to tell stories with data, gave me more confidence as a consultant, and provided me with a strong foundation in the theory behind IO.”


IO MPS Alumni networking portal:

Terrapins Connect is the University's virtual platform with the goal of connecting Terps from across the world with one another for mentoring, networking and professional opportunities.

Whether you are looking to give or receive advice, Terrapins Connect provides a way to get involved. By joining the platform, you gain access to connect with thousands of fellow Terps, lively affinity and professional groups, formal and informal mentoring programs, access to career development resources and programs, and so much more. What are you waiting for? Get started today!

We have created a dedicated group for IO MPS students and alumni within Terrapins Connect: UMD Industrial Organizational Psychology Network. This is a space for UMD IO MPS community members to directly post, message group members, network, share job listings, and more. We plan to build this out as the hub of our IO Community network, and are very excited about the possibilities that this group offers.