Below you will find answers to Frequently Asked Questions regarding our Program, Admissions, and the IO Apprenticeship Program. Click on the tabs to learn more.


When do classes start for the Spring and Fall 2024 admitted cohorts? 

  • The Spring 2025 cohort will begin classes on February 24, 2025.
  • The Fall 2025 cohort will begin classes on August 25, 2025.


How many students are admitted into each cohort? 

  • The number of students admitted into each cohort are in the low to mid-20s. The average number of students over the past 5 cohorts is 25 students per cohort. 
  • We keep our class sizes small for several reasons: 
    • This allows us to keep a low faculty-student ratio. We have four full-time faculty in the program and around 25 students per cohort, so the faculty to student ratio for each cohort is around 1:6. 
    • Small cohort sizes allow for more collaboration and relationship building. Our goal is for each student to come out of the program with a strong network of professional connections, which starts at the cohort-level.


How does the Spring Online program work?

  • There are five total terms in the IO MPS program. Students take two classes during each term. 
  • Students have one synchronous online class every Monday from 5 - 8pm. Students switch off which class they attend synchronously. The "off-week" class will provide material asynchronously online. 
  • Below is an example of how this works. There are 12 total weeks per term, but the example below just shows the first five weeks. During Term 2, students take: Analytical Thinking I and Talent Development 


Spring online program Synchronous Online Class Asynchronous Online Class
Week 1 Analytical Thinking I Talent Development
Week 2 Talent Development Analytical Thinking I
Week 3 Analytical Thinking I Talent Development
Week 4 Talent Development Analytical Thinking I
Week 5 Analytical Thinking I Talent Development


When and where are the classes held for the Spring online program?

  • Synchronous online classes are held Monday evenings from 5 - 8pm online. 
  • These synchronous classes are complemented by weekly online learning that happens asynchronously. 


If I start the program online, can I take some classes in-person? Or, if I start the program in-person, can I take some classes online?

  • No, students who start the program through one mode will be required to complete the program in that modality. 
  • There is no cross-pollination between the online and in-person cohorts. 


How does the Fall cohort in-person/ hybrid program work?

  • There are five total terms in the IO MPS program. Students take two classes during each term. 
  • Students have one in-person class on the UMD campus every Monday from 5 - 8pm. Students switch off which class they attend in-person. The "off-week" class will provide material asynchronously online. 
  • Below is an example of how the hybrid model works. There are 12 total weeks per term, but the example below just shows the first five weeks. During Term 2, students take: Analytical Thinking I and Talent Development 


Fall in-person/ hybrid program On-Campus Class Asynchronous Online Class
Week 1 Analytical Thinking I Talent Development
Week 2 Talent Development Analytical Thinking I
Week 3 Analytical Thinking I Talent Development
Week 4 Talent Development Analytical Thinking I
Week 5 Analytical Thinking I Talent Development


When and where are the classes held for the Fall in-person/ hybrid program?

  • On-campus classes are held Monday evenings from 5 - 8pm on the University of Maryland, College Park campus. 
  • These in-person classes are complemented by weekly online learning that happens asynchronously. 


How long does it take to complete the program?

  • The program takes 15 months to complete.
  • This is broken up into 5, 12-week terms with 2 classes each term. 
  • There are a total of 10 classes, with 3 credits each totaling to 30 credits.


Are there any breaks during the 15 months of the program?

  • There is a one-week break between each term. 


I'm interested in transferring credits from another graduate program into the IO MPS program. Can I do that?

  • In some unique situations, we may be able to transfer credits, and this is at the program's discretion. However, we have not permitted students to transfer credits into the IO MPS program to this point, as our program is structured as a cohort model. This essentially means that students complete every class in the program with their incoming cohort and the same group of students throughout the program. We try our best to maintain the integrity of the cohort model, as we have found that it is paramount to building a strong IO network while in the program which has been especially beneficial to our students post-graduation.


If I'm interested in doing research, can I do that in the IO MPS?

  • This program is highly geared toward building practitioners. As such, we provide opportunities in and out of class to grow and develop applied knowledge and skills. 
  • However, we have a couple of students in each of our cohorts who are interested in doing research and going on to pursue doctoral degrees in IO psychology or related fields. Building research experience is critical to success for admission into doctoral programs. For any students who want to conduct research, the faculty can provide opportunities to contribute to ongoing research projects or at times, develop a new project. We are also in the process of partnering with the SDOS Ph.D. program within the Psychology department to allow students to gain experience working in research labs. 


What is an MPS program? How would it differ from an MA or MS in IO psychology?

  • The IO MPS is a highly applied program, in comparison to an MA or MS degree. An MPS degree is very career and application focused. In an MPS program, you can expect to learn foundational theory of IO concepts within an applied context, whereas an MA or MS degree is typically research oriented in which you are taught theory and develop basic research skills.  
  • Here is an excellent video by Georgetown University explaining the differences:
  • According to this article from the Washington Post, "Because MPS degrees respond to emerging needs in the marketplace - and in some cases to specific employer input - graduates can often quickly feel the impact of the degree, whether through a promotion or by landing a job on a new career path."


What are the program codes for the IO MPS program?

  • The program code is for our Spring online program is MPIV
  • The program code is for our Fall on-campus/ hybrid program is MPIO


What is the institution code for the University of Maryland?

  • The University of Maryland, College Park institution code is 5814. 


Are you a STEM-Designated program?

  • The IO MPS program is currently not designated as a STEM program for 3-year Extended Optional Practical Training (OPT) purposes. 


I am an international student, and I want to apply to the Spring online program. What do I need to consider?

  • We recommend verifying whether your country regulates participation and attendance in online education programs offered by a US-based university. The Spring program will be conducted entirely online, so it is crucial to ensure that your country's regulations permit you to pursue online education at a US institution. 
  • In addition, some countries regulate distance education and may require foreign educational institutions to comply with distance education regulations. We cannot guarantee that this program meets curriculum requirements in your country. Please review our courses and reach out to us with any questions.
  • International students in the online program will not be required to be present on campus, and therefore are not eligible for F-1 or M-1 visas per US Department of Homeland Security policy.


Does the program provide funding?

The IO MPS program is presently unable to provide funding for students. We do share opportunities for assistantships to current students, but these are not guaranteed. Information about jobs and assistantship at the university can be found at, and more information on general funding can be found at


What is the cost of the program?

Please visit the Office of Extended Studies to see current tuition rates and cost breakdown. 

The following are general admissions-related FAQs. If you have any questions that we have not addressed here, please contact us at iomps [at]

The program admits students twice a year: in the Spring and in the Fall. This offers two options for completing the IO MPS. Both options offer seminar-style instructions, mentoring, and applied opportunities. 

  • The Spring online cohort offers a fully virtual option to students whose schedules require greater flexibility. Spring students will attend live-synchronous virtual classes through easy to use web-based technology that enables learning in an engaging, interactive environment. Virtual classes are also complemented by pre-recorded online learning resources. 
  • The Fall in-person/ hybrid cohort offers blended learning with face-to-face instruction on the UMD - College Park campus complemented by online lectures. Students are required to attend classes once per week in College Park.


How do I apply for the program?


When can I start my application to the IO MPS program?


Where can I find the supplementary application? 

  • The Supplementary Application for our program can be found here


Can I email you my transcript/letter of recommendation/supplementary application?

  • Unfortunately, we cannot accept any parts of your application via email. All required documents must be attached by you to the online application. Please reach out to iomps [at] if a recommender has not filled out their form before the application deadline. 


What are the program codes for the IO MPS program?

  • The program code is for our Spring online program is MPIV
  • The program code is for our Fall on-campus/ hybrid program is MPIO


When are application deadlines and when will I get my admissions decision?

Applications for 2024 cohorts are open!

  SPRING 2025 (online) FALL 2025 (in-person/ hybrid)

Early consideration deadline: October 10, 2024 (admission decisions by November 25, 2024)

Final application deadline: January 15, 2025

  • We highly encourage applying for Spring 2025 if you have/ will have your Bachelor's by December '24

Early consideration deadline: December 10, 2024 (admission decisions by February 25, 2025)

Final application deadline: March 5, 2025 


February 15, 2024

May 15, 2025

TERM START DATE February 26, 2024 August 25, 2025

* For each admissions cycle, we aim to send out decisions as soon as possible prior to the end date. Please note that due to the high volume of applications, we are unable to provide specific details on individual admissions decisions.


When do classes start for the Spring and Fall 2023 terms? 

  • The Spring 2025 cohort will begin classes on February 24, 2025.
  • The Fall 2025 cohort will begin classes on August 25, 2025.


Do I need the GRE to apply for the IO MPS program? 

  • We don't require the GRE or GRE-Psychology entrance exam as part of the application for the IO MPS program. 


Is there a minimum grade point average required for admission to the IO MPS program?

  • The Graduate School requires a minimum standard GPA of a 3.0 on a 4.0 scale in all undergraduate courses taken at a regionally accredited college or university. 
  • In certain instances, we have admitted students below a 3.0 average if the remainder of their application is exceptional. We look at applicants holistically, which includes their transcripts, statement of purpose, resume/ cv, work experience, and letters of recommendation. 
  • International applicants: Applicants with international credentials must submit in the original language those academic records that are not written in English. Such credentials must be accompanied by a literal English translation. Both must be submitted at least six months prior to the first day of classes of the semester for which the applicant seeks admission.


How should I approach my Statement of Purpose?

  • We garner information about an applicant from the different parts of your application package: transcripts, resume/ CV, letters of recommendations (2), and very importantly, your statement of purpose. Your personal statement is your opportunity to tell us about who you are beyond your academic background and grades. 
  • Your statement should address the following questions: 
    • Tell us your personal narrative - your story of why you're pursuing IO and what brought you to this point. What are your reasons for undertaking graduate study at University of Maryland's MPS IO program? What do you plan to do with this degree?
    • What life experiences have prepared you to pursue a graduate degree at a large, diverse institution, such as UMD? You may care to include things like your community and family background, whether you are the first person in your family to pursue a higher education, or other factors that you feel would contribute to the diversity of our academic community. 
    • You may also wish to give the graduate admissions committee some examples of your determination to pursue your goals, your initiative and ability to develop ideas, and/ or your capacity for working through problems independently as well as within a team. 


I have been out of school for a while and have been working for a number of years. Can my letters of recommendation be from a professional source? 

  • Yes! Letters of recommendation are required to be from academic and/ or professional references. We do not consider letters of recommendation from personal sources.
  • If you graduated years ago and don't have an academic reference, that's okay - you may choose recommenders who can speak to your professional work. 


Where should I have my letters of recommendation sent?

  • The online application allows recommenders to easily upload Letters of Recommendation onto your online application. 
  • Please do not send Letters of Recommendation to the Department of Psychology. 
  • If your recommender has not uploaded their Recommendation by the deadline but would still like to send one in, please have them reach out to us at iomps [at]


Do I have to send official transcripts and degree certificates for graduate admission?

  • The online application requires applicants to upload a scanned copy of their official transcripts/diplomas in English. Official transcripts can also be sent:


Via email: eso-help [at]


Via mail:

Enrollment Services Operation

0130 Mitchell Building

University of Maryland

College Park, MD 20742


Are there specific required prerequisite courses that I would need to take before applying for the IO MPS program?

  • There are no specific prerequisite courses required to apply for the IO MPS program. Students who have taken any psychology, statistics, or research methods classes in their undergraduate studies or other graduate programs may find that experience beneficial. However, we do not require them. During the first term, we start with the basics of IO psychology and the basics of data management and statistics- this means that students with no prior psychology research or statistics experience can succeed. 


Can I apply with an application fee waiver?

The IO MPS program is unable to offer application fee waivers at present. There may be other options that applicants can take advantage of:

  • There are some graduate preparatory programs that offer an application fee waiver. These include programs such as McNair, SACNAS, SROP, etc. If you have participated in any of these programs and have an application fee waiver to UMD graduate programs, they can be applied to the IO MPS application. Complete application fee waiver information and eligibility requirements can be found here:
  • UMD accepts applications for Free App. Eligible students with financial burden that qualify for FreeApp should fill out the form on the Free App site and send an email to FreeApp [at] with the subject line: "FAFSA FreeApp Eligibility" and provide documentation of need from FAFSA in the email. *Please note that FreeApp is available for Domestic applicants only. 


Does the program provide funding?

The IO MPS program is presently unable to provide funding for students. We do share opportunities for assistantships to current students, but these are not guaranteed. Information about jobs and assistantship at the university can be found at, and more information on general funding can be found at

What is the IO Apprenticeship Program (IOAP)? 

  • The IOAP is a program hosted by the UMD IO MPS to provide prospective applicants interested in IO psychology and UMD's IO MPS program an inside look into our program. Participants will get an opportunity to: observe a real class in the program, meet a current student, an alumnus of the program, and the program director. Our goal is to provide any individual interested in the UMD IO MPS an opportunity to learn more about our program. 
    • Note: we have currently paused all class observations due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We are continuing to offer IOAP apprentices all other aspects of the program set up as virtual meetings. 


How can the Apprenticeship program help me?

  • The IOAP will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of:
    • the kind of education and training our program provides
    • a day-in-the-life of our graduate students
    • what kind of job opportunities may be available to you after graduation
    • how the UMD IO MPS program could be the right fit for you


Who is the Apprenticeship Program for?

  • The IOAP is for any individual interested in IO psychology and learning more about UMD's IO MPS program.


I live out-of-state. Can I still participate in the Apprenticeship Program?

  • Yes! You will be able to participate in all the one-on-ones in the IOAP- virtual zoom rooms will be set up for your meetings with current students, alum, and the program director. 
  • However, the Observe a Class component will require students to come to the UMD campus and observe in-person. This is primarily because of the interactive and collaborative nature of our classes, the essence of which is difficult to capture by virtually listening in to the classes. Due to distance or other circumstances, if you are unable to come to campus to observe a class, we will still set up your one-on-ones to participate in the IOAP.
    • Note: all class observations have been paused due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


Is it free to participate?

  • Yes, of course! The IOAP is free and accessible to any prospective applicant interested in the IO MPS program. 


Do I need to submit an application to participate in the Apprenticeship Program?

  • There is no formal application that needs to be submitted. You will only need to let us know that you would like to participate and provide some basic information, such as: your name, email, intended start term, and how you heard about our program. 
  • You can let us know that you would like to participate by filling out the IOAP interest form.
  • There is currently a waiting list for the IOAP. The next cycle open to new applicants will meet in Fall 2023.


Can I choose what class to observe?

  • We are not taking requests to join specific classes. All IOAP participants will be assigned a class to observe.


Do I have to participate in the Apprenticeship Program to apply for admission into the IO MPS program?

  • Absolutely not! You can directly apply for admission into the IO MPS program without participating in our Apprenticeship Program.


Will participating in the Apprenticeship Program improve my chances of admission?

  • Participants of the IOAP will not be given special consideration during admission. 
  • It is possible that participating in the IOAP could give you a better understanding of our program, which may affect how you approach your application, statement, and/ or other materials submitted for consideration for admission. 


What should I do after participating in the Apprenticeship Program?

  • We hope that you enjoyed participating in the IOAP! Our goal was for you to learn how we approach education and training of IO psychology and how we prepare our students to practice IO in the workplace, as well as what opportunities could be available to you after graduation. 
  • If you loved our program as much as we do and felt that the UMD IO MPS is the right fit for you, please apply for admission! 
  • Our Spring and Fall 2024 application cycle are open.